Sometimes debaters argue the opposite point of view to show absurdity. Paul uses this techninque in 1 Corinthians 15 to show the catastophic consequences of denying the resurrection.
- If Christ is not risen our preaching is in vain, verse 14
- If Christ is not risen your faith is empty, verse 14
- If Christ is not risen we are false witnesses of God, verse 15
- If Christ is not risen your faith is futile, verse 17
- If Christ is not risen you are still in your sins, verse 17
- If Christ is not risen those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished, verse 18
- If Christ is not risen we are of all men the most pitiable, verse 19.
Thank God each of these absurdities are absolutely false. In fact, the opposite is true.
- Our preaching has substance
- Our faith is based on reality
- Our testimony is true
- Our faith is profitable
- Our sins are forgiven
- Our departed loved ones who trusted Christ are still alive
- Our hope transcends time and eternity.