Gospel Living

Genesis 37 contains the familiar story of Joseph's brothers throwing him into a pit and then selling him into slavery.

Joseph was loved by his father, sent to find his brothers, mistreated, and then raised to new life.

This of course foreshadows the same path Jesus would follow many years later. He too was loved by His Father, sent to save the lost, crucified, buried in a tomb, and then raised again.

And moreover, this is our story too! We also are loved, sent, hated, and will be exalted. We are living out the gospel.

Only Two Passwords



Trying to keep track of passwords is overwhelming. But without the passwords you are locked out of your computer, cell phone, email, banking, social media, medical records, travel reservations, etc.

Thank the Lord in the Christian life we only need two passwords! 


These two concepts unlock everydoor in the Christian life. Jesus came preaching, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15).

  • Repent - there is always a sin or bad attitude we need to turn away from
  • Believe - there is always some area of life where we need to trust and obey God more fully.

Whatever predicamnet you find yourself in, try one or both of these passwords. You'll be amazed how spiritual doors open when you have the correct password! 

Who Jesus Reached

Today at the Mid-South Baptist Association Ministers Conference, retired pastor D.C. Cobb brought a great message on who Jesus reached. He pointed out that Jesus personally ministered to the following:

  • women
  • tax-collectors
  • Samaritans
  • strangers
  • lepers
  • dead
  • demon-possessed
  • criminals
  • children
  • rich
  • widows
  • hypocrites
  • poor
  • prostitutes
  • handicapped
  • sick

Truly the fields are white for harvest (John 4:35). We just need to follow the Lord's example and get out there and engage people!