“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
How to Glorify God
According to John 15, we glorify God when we bear “fruit,” “more fruit,” and “much fruit.” But what is fruit? Fruit is the replication of the life of Jesus.
FRUIT IS CHARACTER - “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Ga 5:22–23).
FRUIT IS CONDUCT - “that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work” (Col 1:10).
FRUIT IS CONVERSATION - “let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Heb 13:15).
FRUIT IS CONVERSIONS - “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise” (Pr 11:30).
Like concentric circles these qualities begin inward and gradually grow outward until at last a fully formed follower of Jesus is discipled and ready to go out and repeat the fruit-bearing process with another person for the glory of God.
Jesus in the Old Testament
To gain just a taste of what Christocentric hermeneutics and homiletics can and should do, listen to the insight of Tim Keller as he scans the redemptive storyline of the Old Testament. He shows us well how the whole Bible points to Messiah Jesus.
It’s All About Jesus
• Jesus is the true and better Adam who passed the test in the wilderness, not the garden, and whose obedience is imputed to us.
• Jesus is the true and better Abel who, though innocently slain by wicked hands, has blood now that cries out, not for our condemnation, but for our acquittal.
• Jesus is the better Ark of Noah who carries us safely through the wrath of God revealed from heaven and delivers us to a new earth.
• Jesus is the true and better Abraham who answered the call of God to leave all that is comfortable and familiar and go out into the world, not knowing where he went, to create a new people of God.
• Jesus is the true and better Isaac who was not just offered up by his father on the mount but was truly sacrificed for us. And when God said to Abraham, “Now I know you love Me because you did not withhold your son, your only son, whom you love, from Me,” now we can look at God taking His Son up the mountain of Calvary and sacrificing Him and say, “Now we know that You love us because You did not withhold Your Son, Your only Son, whom You love, from us.”
• Jesus is the true and better Jacob who wrestled and took the blow of justice we deserved, so we, like Jacob, only receive the wounds of grace to wake us up and discipline us.
• Jesus is the true and better Joseph who, at the right hand of the King, forgives those who betrayed Him and sold Him, and uses His new power to save them.
• Jesus is the true and better Moses who stands in the gap between the people and the Lord and who mediates a new covenant.
• Jesus is the true and better Rock of Moses who, struck with the rod of God’s justice, now gives us living water in the desert.
• Jesus is the true and better Joshua who leads us into a land of eternal rest and heavenly blessing.
• Jesus is the better Ark of the Covenant who topples and disarms the idols of this world, going Himself into enemy territory, and making an open spectacle of them all.
• Jesus is the true and better Job, the truly innocent sufferer, who then intercedes for and saves His stupid friends.
• Jesus is the true and better David whose victory becomes His people’s victory, though they never lifted a stone to accomplish it themselves.
• Jesus is the true and better Esther who didn’t just risk leaving an earthly palace but lost the ultimate and heavenly one, who didn’t just risk His life, but gave His life to save His people.
• Jesus is the true and better Daniel, having been lowered into a lions’ den of death and emerging early the next morning alive and vindicated by His God.
• Jesus is the true and better Jonah who was cast out into the storm so that we safely could be brought in.
• Jesus is the real Passover Lamb, innocent, perfect, helpless, slain, so the angel of death will pass over us.
• He’s the true temple, the true prophet, the true priest, the true king, the true sacrifice, the true lamb, the true light, and the true bread.
• The Bible really is not about you is it? It really is all about Him. (Keller, “It’s All about Jesus”)
Akin, D. L., & Akin, J. (2016). Exalting Jesus in Ecclesiastes (Ec 12:11–14). Holman Reference.
The Safest Place in all the World
“The only safe place for sheep is by the side of the shepherd. Because the devil does not fear sheep; he just fears the Shepherd.” ~ A.W. Tozer
Turning Weakness into Strength
God does not use men who are cowardly (v 3) or careless (v 5-6), He only uses people who keep their eyes up. We need to keep our fixed on Jesus. The story of Gideon in Judges 7 shows us Jesus the source of strength..
The barley loaf tumbling down is a picture of Jesus the Bread of Life coming down from heaven (v 13).
The trumpet (v 16) hints at the trumpet blast which will precede the Second Coming.
The empty pitcher (v 16) reminds us how Jesus emptied Himself of His divine privileges and became a man and took on the form of a servant.
The broken pitcher (v 19) shows us how Jesus was broken for our sins at Mount Calvary.
The torches (v 16) reveal to us how Jesus is the Light of the World.
Gideon’s men cry out, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon” (v20) reminding us that when Christ returns there will be shout from heaven.
Gideon’s men stand still (v 21) and watch the Lord bring victory. Scripture says we too are to stand still in faith and confidence.
Just as Jesus gave Gideon victory over his enemies; so too, our hope must be in Jesus alone.
Timeless Words from John Adams
One day, as John Adams and Benjamin Rush sat together in Congress, Rush asked Adams in a whisper if he thought America would succeed in the struggle. “Yes,” Adams replied, “if we fear God and repent our sins.”
~ page 160 in David McCullough’s book on John Adams
The Instruments of God
God uses normal people with whatever tools they have available. Some examples in the book of Judges are as follows:
God used Ehud and his sharp knife (3:16).
God used Shamgar and his ox goad (3:31).
God used Jael and her tent peg and hammer (4:21).
God used Gideon’s men with their trumpets, empty pitchers and torches (7:19-20)
God used Samson as he swung the jawbone of a donkey (15:15).
Therefore God can use even you and men with whatever resources we have. No excuses allowed. God uses ordinary people with mundane accessories. Simply amazing.
Nine Signs of Christ's Return
People other than Jesus will claim to be the Messiah
Wars and rumors of war
International hostility and enmity
Natural disasters
Persecution and martyrdom of disciples will proliferate
Apostasy, betrayal, and hatred will run rampant in the church
False prophets will arise
Spiritual life will deteriorate
Extensive preaching of the gospel.
~ New American Commentary
The Best Way to Deal with Enemies
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Hope for Older Christians
With each passing year the following promise becomes more precious.
“They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing” (Ps 92:14).
And indeed throughout scripture there are many examples of older saints tremendously used by God.
1. To be used by God late in life, we might have to give something up like 75-year-old Abram (Gen. 12;30) who left family. Are you willing to leave your home, career, and comfort?
2. To be used by God late in life, we might have to start something new like 85-year-old Caleb (Josh. 14:10) who began mountain climbing. Are you willing to start a new business, ministry, or adventure?
Through repentance and faith the aged believer may expect their latter days will be better than the former. The rest of their days will be their best of their days!