Turning Weakness into Strength

God does not use men who are cowardly (v 3) or careless (v 5-6), He only uses people who keep their eyes up. We need to keep our fixed on Jesus. The story of Gideon in Judges 7 shows us Jesus the source of strength..

  1. The barley loaf tumbling down is a picture of Jesus the Bread of Life coming down from heaven (v 13).

  2. The trumpet (v 16) hints at the trumpet blast which will precede the Second Coming.

  3. The empty pitcher (v 16) reminds us how Jesus emptied Himself of His divine privileges and became a man and took on the form of a servant.

  4. The broken pitcher (v 19) shows us how Jesus was broken for our sins at Mount Calvary.

  5. The torches (v 16) reveal to us how Jesus is the Light of the World.

  6. Gideon’s men cry out, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon” (v20) reminding us that when Christ returns there will be shout from heaven.

  7. Gideon’s men stand still (v 21) and watch the Lord bring victory. Scripture says we too are to stand still in faith and confidence.

Just as Jesus gave Gideon victory over his enemies; so too, our hope must be in Jesus alone.