The Healing of a Nation

Numbers 21:4-9

On their way to the Promised Land the Hebrews sinned and suffered God’s judgment (verses 4-6). Their predicament is similar to what America is currently experiencing.

How does a nation get back on the right path and enjoy God’s blessings again?

  1. THERE MUST BE REPENTANCE OF SIN, v 7 “we have sinned”

  2. THERE MUST BE FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE, v 8-9 see John 3:14-15

A Pattern for Prayer

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us how to pray. In Matthew 6 we learn the following:

  1. Prayers of Praise, v 9

  2. Prayers of Surrender, v 10

  3. Prayers of Petition, v 11

  4. Prayers for Forgiveness, v 12

  5. Prayers for Protection, v 13a

  6. Prayers of Praise, v 13b

  7. Prayers of Agreement, v 13c

Source: Steve Gaines

When Hiring

Look for these important qualities when considering a new team member.
1. Character - Do they have integrity?

2. Competence - Do they have the skills?

3. Culture - Do they fit with us?

4. Chemistry - Do they make us better?

5. Coachability - Do they desire to grow?

The Death of Organized Religion

In Mark 13 Jesus told the disciples the temple would be destroyed (Rev.21:22). When will this happen?

Watch for these increasingly difficult birth pains, v 8c

  1. Spiritual counterfeits, v 5-6, 14a, 21-22

  2. International conflict, v 7-8a

  3. Natural disasters, v 8b

  4. Religious persecution, v 9, 11, 13

  5. Global missions, v 10

  6. Family betrayal, v 12

  7. Godly refugees, v 14-18

  8. Celestial phenomena, v 24-25

  9. Second Coming, v 26-27

Unworthy Pastors

Isaiah 56:10-12

Unworthy Pastors are

  1. Oblivious to danger, v 10a

  2. Unable to sound a warning, v 10b

  3. Prone to laziness, v 10c

  4. Greedy for gain, v 11a

  5. Incapable of learning, v 11b

  6. Self-indulgent, v 12a

  7. Without vision, v 12b

Now let’s flip this list and restate them positively to show how good pastors should act.

  1. Alert

  2. Prophetic

  3. Hard-working

  4. Content

  5. Teachable

  6. Disciplined

  7. Visionary