The Death of Organized Religion

In Mark 13 Jesus told the disciples the temple would be destroyed (Rev.21:22). When will this happen?

Watch for these increasingly difficult birth pains, v 8c

  1. Spiritual counterfeits, v 5-6, 14a, 21-22

  2. International conflict, v 7-8a

  3. Natural disasters, v 8b

  4. Religious persecution, v 9, 11, 13

  5. Global missions, v 10

  6. Family betrayal, v 12

  7. Godly refugees, v 14-18

  8. Celestial phenomena, v 24-25

  9. Second Coming, v 26-27

When Jesus Returns

When Jesus Christ returns to planet earth, as He promised to do, several exciting things are going to happen in the life of every believer.

  1. We will see Him. The Psalmist says, “I will see Your face” (17:15).

  2. We will be transformed. John says, “We shall be like Him” (1 John 3:2). David declares, “I will awake in Your likeness” (Psalm 17:15).

    Why is this important? John says, “Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:3).

    1. I am inspired to live godly today because I know that one day I am going to stand before the Lord face to face. There will be a judgment for believers. See 1 John 2:28.

    2. I am also inspired to live godly today because I know God wants me to become like Jesus. Knowing God’s will for my life, I gladly cooperate with His sanctifying process. I am eager to make progress in my journey toward Christ-likeness.

    At the culmination of history, we will at last be satisfied (Psalm 17:15) and will experience permanent joy that no one will take away (John 16:22).

Don't Miss the Obvious

Recently our daughter went on a mission trip to South Africa. Before returning home, they visited an animal reserve and went on a safari. She took some photographs which she later showed her mother and I.

"Do you see the lion?" she asked. I only saw animals in the distant background. Then after a moment of studying the photo, I saw the lion in the foreground. It's amazing how it blended into the foliage. I saw but I didn't perceive.

When the infant Jesus was taken up to the temple Simeon perceived and worshipped, the others did not. The Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, and Levis were close enough to reach out and touch the Baby, but they failed to recognize the Christ Child (Luke 2:25-31).

When Jesus earthly life was almost finished, a voice boomed forth from the skies. Jesus heard and understood what the Father was saying, but others thought it was thunder. They heard, but didn't understand (John 12:23-29).

Are we perceiving and understanding? Are we seeing what is right in front of our eyes? We need to think deeply and not ignore the obvious (Genesis 37:11, Luke 2:19 & 51Matthew 13:10-16, Hebrews 2:1).

Religion and Politics in Prophecy

In a recent post entitled, "Look up and Lift up your Heads," I wrote about some of the signs to look for prior to Christ's return (signs in the sky, signs on land, and signs in the ocean).

When natural disasters such as the aforementioned occur people tend to look for relief in religion or politics. They cry out, "God help us" or "Governement help us." Therefore, these two arenas are prophetically significant and merit close attention.

Keep an eye on politics (wars, revived Roman empire, seven year treaty with Israel, destruction of Babylon the great harlot, Antichrist, mark of the beast).

Keep an eye on religion (false Christs, False Prophet, one world religion, rebuilding of Jewish temple, abomination of desolation, apostasy, persecution, global missions).

The Bible says no man knows the day nor hour of Christ's return (Matt. 24:36). But by monitoring religion and politics we can discern the times and seasons (1 Thess. 5:1-5).

The Second Coming like the Days of Noah and Lot

In both the days of Noah and Lot there was 

  • destruction of the many
  • deliverance for the few

Prior to the flood God told Noah




Before the fire and brimstone fell on Sodom

Current events may be frightening, but we must keep trusting the Lord. He will see us through the coming storm. 

For further study see Luke 17:26-30.

Escaping Tribulation

 Luke 21:36 says, "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." 

Observe first, there is hope! Some will escape the tribulation to come upon the earth and they will be left standing when Christ returns. The travail of the earth will not bend them nor break them, because God will remove them from harms way. So there is hope for some. But what must we do to be included in this elite number?

Notice the standard. One has to be counted worthy. Only those deemed fit will be spared from wrath and able to stand when Christ returns. What does one have to do to be "counted worthy?" The text doesn't say, but drawing upon a wider range of scripture here are three possibilities. First, it surely involves the imputed righteousness of Christ. One must be in Christ and clothed in His righteousness. What else? Positional righteousness must be fleshed out in practical righteousness (Rev. 19:8). That is you can't just be considered righteous, you have to live righeous. Finally, when it says to be counted worthy I think of John 15 and the Lord's emphasis on fruitfulness. The fruitful Christian has Jesus living through them (Gal. 5:22-23) and they are influcencing others toward Christlikeness (1 Cor. 11:1).

Finally notice the way to worthiness which involves both watching and praying. Watch current events, being wise like the sons of Issachar. Watch over those you are discipling, don't let any sheep stray. And watch over your own soul and purity. Then pray for God's kingdom to come in this world and in your family. Pray for the bride of Christ. Also see Mark 14:38.

An alert and praying Christian is valuable to the Lord and He will extend special protective graces to that individual much like He did to Noah in the days before the flood.