This is a hot topic right now, people are talking and writing about church revitalization. Let me add this thought. As we know, churches are not buildings or organizations. Churches are comprised of people. So if you want a revitalized church you must have a revitalized people.
And what (or who) revitalizes people? Surely, by now, you understand that programs, campaigns, and sermons to do not revitalize people. Jesus is the only One who changes and improves people.
So the way to have a revitalized church is to have Jesus revitalize its people.
To aid you in your faith let me highlight a few thoughts from Matthew 9 on how Jesus revitalizes people. Perhaps you've got some people like this in your church who Jesus can revive.
- Members who won't serve. Jesus is able to get them out of bed (Matthew 9:1-8).
- Members who don't give. Jesus is able to change their heart (Matthew 9:9).
- Members with family problems. Jesus can resolve even the worst home environment (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26).
- Members who are tired. The woman with a hemorrage was certainly anemic and exhausted. Jesus can make fatigued people full of energy again. (Matthew 9:20-22).
- Members who don't see the possibilities. Jesus can open people's eyes (Matthew 9:27-31).
- Members who never witness for Christ. Jesus can open their mouths and help them pour forth the praises of God (Matthew 9:32-33).
According to Revelation 3, Jesus is knocking at the door of the church. He wants to come into your church and revive the people.
Suggested Prayer: "Lord please come into our church powerfully and do what only You can do. Put new life into these old bones and put a song back in our hearts."