The Heart of the Matter

Religion focuses on the outside, while authentic Christianity focuses on the inside. The Bible says we are to keep our heart with all diligence. Here are four aspirations for your heart health.

  1. Strive to have a clean heart. Ask God to wash away all sin just like David did in Psalm 51.

  2. Develop a merry heart. You can do this by being thankful, praising God, and blessing His holy name (Psalm 100:4).

  3. Have a loving heart. This love must be both horizontal and vertical. Love God and love others, in that order.

  4. Be pure in heart. Don’t let your heart get polluted with idols. My wife would not be pleased if I came home from a business trip and I said, “Darling while I was away I was 90% faithful to you.” She wants my full devotion. Similarly, we must love God with a pure heart.

  5. Finally, have a believing heart (Romans 10:9). Faith in God is essential to both justification and sanctification.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” When our heart is healthy the other affairs of our life take care of themselves; but, if our heart is sick, then the rest of life will also suffer.