Three Steps to Being Restored to Active Ministry

Psalm 51 tells of David’s restoration to ministry. He gives us a roadmap for us to get back in the game.

  1. There must be honesty about personal sin. This is so unusual because the normal thing is to blame others. We’ve got to own up to our sin and David does that. Notice how many times David says “me” and “my.” Will you and I do the same or will continue to make excuses and scapegoat others?

  2. There must be confidence in God’s cleansing power. Notice the many cleansing verbs in this Psalm, blot, cleanse, wash, restore, purge, renew. Based on the perfect shed blood of Jesus, God alone has the power to remove guilt and shame regardless of how heinous our sins may be.

  3. There must be an emphasis on inner purity. David’s real problem was not dirty hands or feet, bu inner corruption and that’s where we struggle too. Jesus is more concerned about our inner life than our outer show. God desires “truth in the inward parts.” This includes the heart and the spirit of a person. Outwardly we may appear clean and decent, but God is probing deep into our thoughts and affections. He wants these to be cleaned up.

David was able to come back after his moral fall. The Psalm ends with him singing, teaching, and worshiping. You and I also can come back after we have fallen. Be honest about your sin, believe that God can cleanse you, and invite the Holy Spirit to probe deep within your being.

Blessed after 12 Years

For 12 years I have served the churches of Memphis, Tennessee. I have ministered in all kinds of places and served all types of pastors.

For 12 years a woman in the Bible suffered from a serious medical condition. She visited many doctors but never found relief.

For 12 years a little girl grew up. She was the delight of her father Jairus. By all accounts, her’s was a happy and normal childhood.

In this stage of life, after 12 years of ministry in Memphis, I need the Lord. My experience is similar to the two ladies mentioned above. I have known both heartache and happiness. How can the Lord heal me / help me? What can I learn from these two ladies?

  1. I MUST BE HUMBLE. Both of the petitioners described in Luke 8 got down low before the Lord. One approached from the front, the other from the back. Yet both stooped low in the presence of the Lord. If I want God to bless me after 12 years, I also must lower myself mentally and physically to seek the Lord.

  2. I MUST BELIEVE. Both of the miracles happened because of faith. “Your faith has made you well” and “Don’t be afraid only believe.” So I too must trust the Lord in this 12th year of ministry in Memphis. Don’t despair, don’t doubt, remain confident in God!

Three happy endings. The older woman, the young girl, and this Tennessee preacher. Thank you Lord.

Guidelines for Getting Better

In John 5:6-8 Jesus ministered to a man who had been sick for 38 years. In so doing, the Lord gives us some guidelines for getting better.

1. Quit Blaming Others - The poor fellow in John 5 saw himself as a victim. When asked by Jesus if he wanted to get better all who could do was blame others. "No one helps me. Other people cut in front of me." Woe is me. We see this pitiful thinking displayed all across the American landscape today. Everyone is a victim. No one is treated fair. But wait! This same victimhood mentality creeps into our thoughts also. We feel as though the reason we are suffering is because someone did us wrong. Jesus lovingly confronts this and redirects us to a healthier mindset.

2. Elevate - Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Rise." In other words, "Get up, raise yourself up, don't stay down!" For us to get better we need to elevate the following:

  • We need to elevate our attitude
  • We need to elevate our virtue
  • We need to elevate our imagination 
  • We need to elevate our prayer.

3. Be Responsible - Jesus told the man, "Take up your bed." This is a command related to personal responsibility and it is the opposite of blaming others. We have to exert energy and make things happen. Getting better requires effort. Quit laying back hoping things improve. Take the initiative, and 

4. Go Forward - Jesus told the man, "Walk." This speaks of going forward, leaving things behind. A new future is discovered only as one leaves their current reality and embraces a new reality. Don't stay where you are at.

Thank God there is healing from old hurts, hangups, habits, broken relationship, and emotional scars. 


Which Neighbor was Healed?

Early this week, my neighbor took a ride in an ambulance. My wife and I stood on the front porch and prayed for him as the firemen loaded him up and took him away. Thankfully he's home from the hospital and doing okay.

A few days later, in the other direction, but still on our street, the firemen came back for our other neighbor. Again, my wife and I prayed, this time over the phone, as the firemen tried to revive our neighbor. Thankfully, he was a Christian, so he's home in heaven now and doing okay.