David declared, “I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). Here is a simple technique whereby you can learn to always praise the Lord.
First, praise God after you are delivered. In Psalm 34:4 & 6 David’s language is in the past tense. He gives thanks that God “delivered” him and “saved” him. We can bless the Lord too after a long day of work, after a hectic drive through traffic, after a sickness, after a pandemic, after a windstorm and so forth. Praise God for His miraculous deliverance. This next one is not so easy.
Second, praise God before you are delivered. In Psalm 34:7, 17, & 19 David changes his tense and no longer speaks in the past, but he uses the word “delivers” denoting God’s present or future activity. Here we are instructed to praise the Lord for His deliverance not yet complete. This requires faith to praise God before the rescue occurs. “God, you are going to deliver me. I don’t know how but I trust you and thank you in advance for saving me from this coming storm!”
In conclusion, praise God after you are delivered and praise God before you are delivered. Then like David you will be able to say, “I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1).