David is considered the best of the Hebrew kings. How did he get to be such a great king? Psalm 27:4 gives us insight into his remarkable inner life.
One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple (Ps 27:4).
David wanted prolonged intimacy with God. “That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” We should have a similar ambition. We should have communion with God, not just on Sundays, but everyday. Like Enoch we should walk with God. Like Paul instructed, we should keep in step with the Spirit.
Why is prolonged intimacy with God so important?
For the purpose of worship, “that I may behold the beauty of the Lord.” Like Solomon in the Song of Solomon we should be enraptured with our love for God. Smitten. Amazed. Ecstatic. Being lost in love with God is the best way to rise above the distasteful distractions of the world. Adoring God is how to increase faith.
For the purpose of guidance, “and to inquire in his temple.” We need the Lord’s wisdom for all of the many situations we face at home, work, school, and society. Gaining God’s perspective is how we renew our minds.
How do we attain prolonged intimacy with God?
Prioritize prolonged intimacy. Be single-minded. Don’t pursue many things. Make prolonged intimacy your one and only thing. David said he was after just, “One thing.”
Pray for prolonged intimacy. “I have desired of the Lord.”
Pursue prolonged intimacy. “That will I seek.” The Christian life requires faith and works. Enjoying prolonged intimacy with God will take effort, planning, and discipline.
Constant communion with God should be the aim of every born again believer. Like the branch and the vine described by our Lord in John 15, we want to be so intimately connected with God that we have enduring faith and fruitfulness.