Where are YOU going?

Hagar ran for her life and sat down by a spring of water in the desert. Then the Angel of the Lord found her and asked her a two-fold question, "Where have you come from AND where are you going?" (Genesis 16:8).

Hagar answered only the first part of the question. "I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai."

I fear that too many of us are similar to Hagar. We know what we are running from, but not what we are moving toward.

Her objective had been mere survival. The Angel of the Lord cast a vision for multiplication. "I will multiply your descendants exceedingly" (Genesis 16:10).

The Lord moved her from escapism to engagement. Hagar moved from the "now" to the "then." God moved her from a self focus to focusing on others. 

SUGGESTED PRAYER: "God give me a vision for more than just my safety and comfort. Lord help me to see into the future and appreciate how my actions today can impact others tomorrow."