Courage and Wisdom

Young people tend to have courage. Older people should have greater wisdom. Put them together and you create a powerful team.

Isn't it sad though that there is so much segregation in the church? The young people do their thing while the senior adults go their way. I don't believe this is the way God intends.

If you want to grow as a Christian seek out someone from another generation. Team up with someone outside your demographic. You will enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship that will enable both of you to do more for the Lord. As the Africans say, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." 


This pattern of older and younger is seen in scripture.

  • Moses and Joshua
  • Elijah and Elisha
  • Paul and Timothy

If you agree, go make a new friend today and discover what amazing things the Lord will do through your new partnership!