Greater Works

Jesus said because He was going to the Father we would be able to do “greater works” (John 14:12). How is it possible to do greater works than those of Jesus?

  1. Greater works are possible because the Spirit of God is now always present. Jesus said it was good that He went away so that He would send the Spirit to His followers. Unlike Jesus in bodily form, the Spirit can now be with each of us personally, at all times.

  2. Greater works are possible because the Son of God is now always praying. Jesus, now at this very moment, is seated at the Father’s right-hand where He ever lives to make intercession for us. He is our Advocate!

Because of the eternal ministry of the Son and the Spirit we can do works greater than even those accomplished by Jesus when He walked the earth.

Help is on the Way!

Widely considered to be the oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job tells the story of a man who lost his health, wealth, family and friends. Despite his grief Job stubbornly held onto his faith in God, declairing “I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth” (Job 19:25).

Note: a redeemer is someone who pays a price to set something or someone free. Job expected just such a rescuer to come for him. He probably didn’t fully realize it but he was longing for and looking for the coming of Jesus Christ!

Every Christian today can be as confident as Job, as we now anticipate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

  1. A Personal Redeemer, “My Redeemer

  2. A Living Redeemer, “lives

  3. A Coming Redeemer, “He shall stand at last on the earth.”

The Antichrist

Here are five characteristics about the Beast / the Man of Sin / the Antichrist.

  1. He defies God

  2. He deifies himself

  3. He deceives the world

  4. He dictates to all the nations

  5. He will be destroyed by Christ.

Source: Ron Dunn

Forty Years of Ministry

Forty years ago today, on October 16, 1983, I was ordained to the gospel ministry at North Hills Baptist Church in Vallejo, California. Kneeling beside me during that Sunday night service was Brother Lonnie an African American pastor. What a joy it has been to serve the Lord and be a part of God’s big forever family. Most of the men who were a part of my ordaining council have gone on to the Lord. Pray that I stay faithful to the finish. It has been so good to know the Lord and serve him these many years.