The Neck, Knees, Eyes, and Back Prayer

The Neck, Knees, Eyes, and Shoulder Prayer is an ancient prayer to be used when a nation was in trouble. It goes like this:

1. "God help my neck to bow before You. I don't want to be proud and stiff-necked, but humble and submissive to You." An example of this is Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:18).

2. "God help my knees to kneel and pray. Give me a spirit of prayer. Help me to get down on my knees and call out to You in earnest prayer." An example here is Elijah (1 Kings 18:42).

3. "God help my eyes. I want to see Your face. Help me to seek You and know You better and love You more." An example here is Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1).

4. "God help my back to turn away from all evil. Help me to hate sin and reject it consistently." An example here is Joseph (Genesis 39:12).

God first taught Solomon the Neck, Knees, Eyes, and Shoulder Prayer in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves (NECKS) and pray (KNEES) and seek My face (EYES) and turn (SHOULDER) from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land."

This is a powerful prayer, but it is not being used like it should be. CALLING OUT TO GOD IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR AMERICA. I am going to start trying to pray this prayer twice a day. Will you join me?


God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will

Currently in my tribe (Southern Baptists) there is a lively debate between those who emphasize God's sovereignty and those who make much of man's free will. Which one is correct? Are they both true? Or are they both in error? Perhaps a look at the tabernacle of Moses can shed light on this theological controversy.

There was only one entrance into the tabernacle and it was through a gate on the eastern side. With two million Hebrews it is probable that long lines existed outside the tabernacle. Here is what I suspect happened.

A priest probably would shout, "Next!" This signaled for the next person wanting to make a sacrifice to enter. Upon receiving the priest's shout or wave the worshipper would walk through the gate and into the courtyard of that tabernacle.

The tabernacle points to Christ. So this act of entering the tabernacle symbolizes a person coming to Christ for salvation. And how did that occur? People came to the tabernacle (Christ) through both a call from God and an act of human will. The priest as God's representative would issue an invitation and the one coming to Christ as symbolized by the tabernacle would have to act in faith. Or sometimes this act of salvation began with an act of human will (coming to the tabernacle) that led to a divine invitation (a call from the priest). 

And so it is today, salvation involves both God's sovereignty and man's free will. They are complementary. Modern theologians would help the church if they taught how these truths work together and are not in competition. 

Case Worker Skills

Recently, I had a fascinating conversation with a case worker who helped families with disruptive teenagers. I asked, "How do you handle those situations?" He outlined a three-step process.

  1. Assessment: What is going on in the home? What are the dynamics? Who is involved? What are the issues?

  2. Build a relationship: Be an active listener. Show the family you care.

  3. Earn the right to speak into their situation: Only after accomplishing steps one and two is the case worker ready to make suggestions.

I was convicted about how often I have been quick to prescribe solutions. It reminded me of how the Bible says we are to be "quick to hear and slow to speak."

Forgiving Like God Forgives

Genesis 45 describes the dramatic reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers. After being sold into slavery, Joseph has risen to the number two position in Egypt. He can destroy or forgive his brothers. His response shows us both how God forgives us and how we should forgive others (Ephesians 4:32).

Here are three lessons about forgiveness.

1. We must forgive confidentially, see verses 1-2. He dismissed the Egyptians. They didn't need to know about the family feud. Aren't you glad God doesn't blab our business all over the universe?

2. We must forgive mercifully, see verse 5-8. DON'T GIVE THEM WHAT THEY DO DESERVE. Don't keep score, don't demand justice and punishment. God forgives and forgets, we should too.

3. We must forgive graciously, see verses 9-11. DO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY DON'T DESERVE. Be affectionate, generous,



A Blood-Bought Kingdom

Solomon secured his kingdom by executing his rivals (see 1 Kings 2). The three enemies he had put to death were old enemies of his father King David. 

In a related way, Jesus also established His kingdom by bloodshed. But it wasn't someone else's blood that He shed, it was His own blood that He offered. 

Also, note the three enemies Solomon had put to death are in many ways symbolic of the flesh, the world, and the devil. Jesus gives us victory over these old enemies through the power of the cross. 

Esther: A Type of Jesus

The Old Testament contains pictures of the coming Christ. These types and shadows prefigure the Lord Jesus. Consider the example of Queen Esther.

  • Both Jesus and Esther were beautiful
  • Both Jesus and Esther were compasionate
  • Both Jesus and Esther were intercessors
  • Both Jesus and Esther saved their people
  • Both Jesus and Esther defeated evil
  • Both Jesus and Esther were willing to sacrifice themselves (but only Jesus actually laid His life down)


This world is hurting. Every sector of American life is coming unhinged. Consider the following:

  • Health care is broken. 
  • Education is broken
  • Government is broken
  • Professional sports is broken
  • Media is broken
  • Relationships are broken
  • The entertainment industry is broken
  • Religion is broken
  • Families are broken
  • And eventually the economy will break.

The only One we can count on is the Lord Jesus. He is the only reliable One we can always trust. "All other ground is sinking sand."